

你好 现在专业教育也是会很好的哦 最起码可以给考大学无望的孩子提供了一个继续学习深造的机会的哦 而且是可以培养孩子学习技能的哦 而且他们还是会注重培养孩子的一专多能的哦 是很好的哦
朋友: 你好!中国的职业教育已经开展了20多年了,社会办学力量也逐渐壮大并加强了对于专业设置的科学性!职业教育的好处在于,它的专业设置“更”符合人力市场的要求(这是相对各类公办大专院校的专业设置),可以将企业用人需求与专业课程对接,并聘请企业专家或职工进入校园教授学生技能,能做到“厂中校、校中厂”。 但是,近些年也有一些职业教育学校打擦边球,利用办学骗取国家助学金,转卖、倒卖学生资源等问题逐渐显现。 最后,中国的职业教育总体发展较快、较好,一些一线城市的职业教育更是能与国际接轨,能够做到定向输入学员。PS:选择也很重要,不要轻信宣传词,更不要被一些学校比较“花哨”的校名所迷惑。



There has a growing trend for people to quit attending the university entrance exam.you can easily find student who want to work instead of attending university. 其他在评论里,真费事 地方小没法写
ladies and gentlemen,good afternoon! im very glad to be here and give you a speech. today im going to talk about my opinion about the college entrance examination.to some extent, numerous people regard the college entrance exam, which is also named “gaokao”, as a key to success. success, as we all know, is the pursuit and desire of many people throughout history. therefore, a great number of students, parents and even teachers attach extremely importance to “gaokao”.是演讲稿形式的 求采纳 谢谢
ln my opinion, college education is more advisable or most people. [4lFirst, college education is systematic and students can learn a lot in many aspects. Unlike vocational,



it is impossible for us to make our country rich and strong without developing education. why?because education gives people knowledge and teaches them how to become good citizens so as to be able to serve their country. no wonder they say that education decides the progress, prosperity and civilization of a country.nowadays most countries of the world areenforcing compulsory education.it is necessary for all kinds of people, both rich and poor, toreceive education.


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