

Standing before the Brandenburg Gate, every man is a German separated from his fellow men.Every man is a Berliner, forced to look upon a scar.



对嗜财如命的葛朗台,拥有如山的金币大概就是他最大的幸福吧.但当他年老力衰地坐在轮椅上盯着他的密室,甚至在他生命的最后一刻仍念念不忘他的金子时,这样的幸福是多么的可悲.  许多时候人们往往对自己的幸福看不到,而感觉别人的幸福很耀眼.想不到别人的幸福也许对自己不适合,更想不到别人的幸福也许正是自己的坟墓.  当中国的封建学子们以“洞房花烛夜,金榜提名时”为人生的最大幸福,并且为之奋斗终身时,吴敬梓则用他的笔给我们绘出一个中举后的范进喜极而疯的场面,幸福就是如此吗?我怀疑了.



there is a camera on the left corner the the phone with 8 million pixel. such high pixel enables high-quality photos and videos, and so on (不能确定手机文件格式.this mobile phone is the newly-released product with cuttng-edge technology; screen this phone has a clear view to nearly all ages. and the phone is not expensive,随便写了几个). with a 6. we only sell it for xxx rmb (手机价格自己编) and we have one-year warranty.5". it has a large internal memory of xx m(xx手机内存自己编一个吧) and can store up to xxx songs or xxx movies (xxx歌曲和电影的数量自己编)., jpg. it has several advanced functions besides traditional sms and telephone. it supports vairous kinds of files such as mv



作文还要抄啊,我教你写吧。设计新颖别致的标题吸引读者  文题是文章的窗口,是概括文章内容的言简意赅的语句。读者读一篇文章,首先映入眼帘的就是题目。好的题目,如人的眼睛,能传情显神,让读者“一见钟情”,过目难忘。所以,同学们在作文时,如非命题作文,可首先给文章构思一个具有吸引力、冲击力,让读者见之即惊又喜,不肯舍弃下文的标题。如美国作家舒尔伯格的小说《我的精彩糟糕诗作》;还有学生在写作中用过的题目《高贵的施舍》等,都能给我们耳目一新的感觉,且使文章增添了无限光彩。  首先,巧用修辞手法添魅力。因为修辞是一项富于实效性的语言表达方式,用得好,可以达到化抽象为具体的效果。如一位同学在《关心》一文中是这样写地球的:“在远古时代,地球就像一位年轻漂亮的女子,绿荫如盖的大地,是她美丽的肌肤……”读这样的文章就像在欣赏一幅美丽的图画。  其次,善用名言警句。如果我们在写作时恰当地运用它,就能收到事半功倍、画龙点睛之效。  选择具有时代精神的语言。如一些反映时代发展的词语——“克隆”、“基因”、“因特网”、“情商”等。如果在有些作文中运用这些语言,文章的时代感也会跃然纸上。
changes around me as to the changes happened in my family, i think there are two different parts. specifically speaking, they are clothing and eating. first of all, we spent more time on updating modern clothes. also, clothes shops make discounts to attract more customers for buying. next, we can buy any basic materials for daily food. restaurants are also good choices and the different flavors are really hard to choose. in short, we must admit that the policy of "gaigekaifang" is a wonderful project to chinese people! ~希望满意啊~

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