

建议提前一晚在网上找找关于英语简历的翻译。 把他背背。或者会读。。 第二天面试。就用英语小说一段简历。(前提是要4级过了。不然面试人英语6级就要考你难堪了)


2,请英文高手把我未来的职业规划内容翻译成英文 越简短越好思路清

It happened like the follows. I had been studying and working in Hongkong and Macao for three years during which I was in charge of the sales of luxury commodities. I not only achieved good business experience but also learned a lot a prefessional knowledge. The reason why I plan to return to my home city is partially due to family and friends and partially because I believe I can get a better chance to develop my career and to realise my dream, of course with the help of the company. I enjoy the work I am doing and expect my career can be well developed in this field. 祝你好运。ztlthb

请英文高手把我未来的职业规划内容翻译成英文 越简短越好思路清

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